About LASS
The NMBHGC Ladies Armed Shooting Society (LASS) was established in 2011 to promote ladies’ afternoon shoots and education/safety. LASS shoots are open to all women over 18, or younger if accompanied by a parent/guardian.
LASS Events
LASS shoots are now held from May through October on a Saturday or Sunday on the 4th weekend of the month from 2 PM – 4 PM. Check the NM Big Horn Gun Club calendar to verify the dates before traveling to the Range.
- The NMBHGC provides .22 pistols, .22 rifles, and .22 ammo for use
- Participants may bring personal firearms and ammo
- Coaches are available to assist attendees
- Instruction on proper firearm handling and safety can be provided
- Eye and Ear protection are available if you do not have your own
- RSVP’s are requested
Other Details
Questions? Please contact Connie Vanderburg.